Tankless Water Heater Buying Guide

Tankless Water Heater Buying Guide

Tankless water heaters are a great investment for any home. They provide numerous benefits such as endless hot water supply, energy efficiency, and space-saving design. However, there are several factors to consider when buying a tankless water heater, including flow rate, size and capacity, fuel type, and installation requirements. In this buying guide, we will explore these factors in detail and provide key takeaways to help you make an informed decision.

Key Takeaways

  • Tankless water heaters provide endless hot water supply, ensuring you never run out of hot water.
  • They are highly energy-efficient and can help reduce your energy bills.
  • Tankless water heaters have a compact and space-saving design, making them ideal for small homes or apartments.
  • When buying a tankless water heater, consider the flow rate to ensure it can meet your household's hot water demands.
  • Size and capacity are important factors to consider, as they determine how much hot water the unit can provide.

Benefits of Tankless Water Heaters

Endless Hot Water Supply

One of the key benefits of tankless water heaters is their ability to provide endless hot water supply . Unlike traditional water heaters that store and heat a limited amount of water, tankless water heaters heat water on demand. This means that as long as there is a continuous supply of water and the heater is properly sized for the household's needs, there will always be hot water available. Whether you need to take a long shower, run multiple appliances simultaneously, or fill a large bathtub, a tankless water heater can meet the demand without running out of hot water.

In addition to the endless hot water supply, tankless water heaters also offer other advantages. They are highly energy efficient , as they only heat water when it is needed, reducing energy waste. Their space-saving design is another notable feature, as they are compact and can be installed in various locations, including closets, utility rooms, or even outdoors.

Energy Efficiency

When it comes to energy efficiency , tankless water heaters are a top choice. Unlike traditional water heaters that constantly heat and store water, tankless models only heat water as it is needed. This on-demand heating method eliminates the energy wasted on constantly reheating stored water, resulting in significant energy savings.

In addition to their efficient heating method, tankless water heaters also have advanced features that further enhance their energy efficiency. Many models come with smart controls that allow you to easily adjust the temperature and monitor energy usage. Some even have energy-saving modes that automatically reduce energy consumption during periods of low demand.

To help you understand the energy efficiency of different tankless water heaters, here is a comparison table of their energy efficiency ratings :

Model Energy Efficiency Rating
A 0.95
B 0.92
C 0.90

Keep in mind that the higher the energy efficiency rating, the more energy-efficient the water heater is. This table can serve as a useful reference when comparing different models and making an informed decision.

In summary, tankless water heaters offer not only endless hot water supply and space-saving design but also impressive energy efficiency. With their on-demand heating and advanced features, they can help you save energy and reduce your utility bills.

Space Saving Design

Tankless water heaters are known for their compact and space-saving design. Unlike traditional water heaters that require a large storage tank, tankless water heaters are wall-mounted and take up significantly less space. This makes them an ideal choice for homeowners with limited space or those who want to maximize their available space.

In addition to their small size, tankless water heaters also offer flexible installation options . They can be installed in various locations, such as under sinks, in closets, or even outdoors. This versatility allows homeowners to choose the most convenient and efficient location for their water heater.

When considering a tankless water heater, it's important to measure the available space and choose a model that fits within those dimensions. Additionally, homeowners should consider the installation requirements, such as ventilation and electrical connections, to ensure a proper and safe installation.

Factors to Consider When Buying a Tankless Water Heater

Flow Rate

The flow rate of a tankless water heater refers to the amount of hot water it can deliver per minute. It is an important factor to consider when buying a tankless water heater as it determines the capacity of the unit to meet your hot water needs. Higher flow rates are ideal for households with multiple bathrooms or for those who require a large amount of hot water simultaneously. On the other hand, lower flow rates may be sufficient for smaller households or for those who have lower hot water demands.

When determining the appropriate flow rate for your needs, consider the number of fixtures or appliances that will be using hot water at the same time. This can include showers, faucets, dishwashers, and washing machines. It is recommended to choose a tankless water heater with a flow rate that can comfortably handle the peak hot water demand in your household.

To help you understand the flow rate of different tankless water heaters, here is a table comparing the flow rates of some popular models:

Model Flow Rate (GPM)
Model A 5.0
Model B 6.5
Model C 8.0

Keep in mind that the flow rate may vary depending on the temperature rise required. A higher temperature rise will result in a lower flow rate, as the unit needs to work harder to heat the water to the desired temperature. It is important to consult the manufacturer's specifications and guidelines to ensure you choose a tankless water heater with an appropriate flow rate for your specific needs.

Size and Capacity

When considering the size and capacity of a tankless water heater, it is important to take into account the specific needs of your household. The size of the unit will determine its ability to meet the hot water demand, while the capacity refers to the amount of hot water the unit can produce per minute. It is recommended to choose a tankless water heater with a capacity that matches or exceeds your peak hot water usage.

One way to determine the appropriate size and capacity is by calculating the flow rate of your fixtures and appliances. This can be done by adding up the flow rates of all the fixtures and appliances that may be used simultaneously. A higher flow rate indicates a greater demand for hot water and may require a larger unit.

Additionally, it is important to consider the temperature rise required. The temperature rise is the difference between the desired hot water temperature and the incoming cold water temperature. A higher temperature rise will require a more powerful unit to meet the demand.

To help you make an informed decision, here is a table summarizing the recommended size and capacity based on household size and number of bathrooms:

Household Size Number of Bathrooms Recommended Size Recommended Capacity
Small 1-2 Medium Medium
Medium 2-3 Large Large
Large 3+ Extra Large Extra Large

Remember, it is always best to consult with a professional to ensure you choose the right size and capacity for your specific needs.

Fuel Type

When choosing a tankless water heater, one important factor to consider is the fuel type . Tankless water heaters can be powered by different types of fuel, including natural gas , propane , and electricity . Each fuel type has its own advantages and considerations.

  • Natural gas : Natural gas tankless water heaters are a popular choice due to their high efficiency and lower operating costs compared to electric models. They require a gas line for installation and may have higher upfront costs.

  • Propane : Propane tankless water heaters are a good option for areas without access to natural gas. They offer similar benefits to natural gas models but require a propane tank for fuel storage.

  • Electricity : Electric tankless water heaters are easy to install and have lower upfront costs. However, they may have higher operating costs compared to gas models. They are a suitable choice for areas where gas or propane is not available.

When deciding on the fuel type, consider factors such as availability, cost, and energy efficiency.

Installation Requirements

When considering the installation of a tankless water heater, there are a few important factors to keep in mind. First, ensure that you have the necessary electrical or gas connections available for the unit. It's crucial to consult with a professional plumber or electrician to determine the specific requirements for your home.

Next, consider the ventilation needs of the tankless water heater. These units produce hot exhaust gases that need to be properly vented to the outside. Proper ventilation is essential for the safe and efficient operation of the unit.

Additionally, check the water pressure in your home. Tankless water heaters require a minimum water pressure to function properly. If your water pressure is too low, you may need to install a pressure booster to ensure optimal performance.

Finally, evaluate the available space for installation. Tankless water heaters are known for their compact design , but it's still important to ensure that you have enough space to accommodate the unit and provide proper clearance for maintenance and repairs.



In conclusion, tankless water heaters offer numerous benefits that make them a great choice for homeowners. With their endless hot water supply , energy efficiency , and space-saving design , they provide convenience and cost savings. However, when buying a tankless water heater, it is important to consider factors such as flow rate , size and capacity , fuel type , and installation requirements . By carefully evaluating these factors, homeowners can choose the right tankless water heater that meets their specific needs. Overall, investing in a tankless water heater is a smart decision that can improve both comfort and energy efficiency in the home.


Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does a tankless water heater provide endless hot water supply?

Tankless water heaters heat the water as it flows through the unit, allowing for a continuous supply of hot water without the need for a storage tank.

2. Are tankless water heaters energy efficient?

Yes, tankless water heaters are highly energy efficient as they only heat water when it is needed, reducing energy consumption compared to traditional storage tank water heaters.

3. Do tankless water heaters save space?

Yes, tankless water heaters have a compact and space-saving design as they do not require a large storage tank like traditional water heaters.

4. What is the flow rate of a tankless water heater?

The flow rate of a tankless water heater is the amount of hot water it can provide per minute. It is important to choose a unit with a flow rate that meets your household's hot water demands.

5. How do I determine the size and capacity of a tankless water heater?

The size and capacity of a tankless water heater depend on factors such as the number of bathrooms in your home and the simultaneous hot water usage. It is recommended to consult a professional to determine the right size for your needs.

6. What fuel types are available for tankless water heaters?

Tankless water heaters can be powered by electricity, natural gas, or propane. The choice of fuel type depends on your home's energy source availability and preferences.

1 comment

Tom Latham

Tom Latham

Instant hot water heaters offer unparalleled convenience and efficiency, revolutionizing the way we experience comfort at home. With Elwa Energy Savers, you’re not just investing in a product; you’re embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Our instant hot water heaters are designed to deliver on-demand comfort while minimizing energy consumption and reducing costs. Experience the luxury of instant hot water while contributing to a greener future with Elwa Energy Savers. Say goodbye to waiting and hello to efficiency. Upgrade your home today and join the movement towards a more sustainable tomorrow with Elwa Energy Savers.

Instant hot water heaters offer unparalleled convenience and efficiency, revolutionizing the way we experience comfort at home. With Elwa Energy Savers, you’re not just investing in a product; you’re embracing a sustainable lifestyle. Our instant hot water heaters are designed to deliver on-demand comfort while minimizing energy consumption and reducing costs. Experience the luxury of instant hot water while contributing to a greener future with Elwa Energy Savers. Say goodbye to waiting and hello to efficiency. Upgrade your home today and join the movement towards a more sustainable tomorrow with Elwa Energy Savers.

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